Introduction: The Audible Beat
1 In the Beginning…
2 Early Fusion Music
3 The Plantation
4 Minstrelsy: Whites Acting Black?
5 Sleepy Time Down South
6 Cowboys: The West Was White?
7 Sea Chanties
8 Old Time Religion
9 Time For Rags
10 Hollers, Looks, and Levees: The Blues
11 Black Barbershops
12 Jazz Marches In
13 Jazz: What Is It?
14 Latin America: US
15 Up River: The Bleached Chorus
16 Broadway: Operetta Meets Jazz
17 Swing and Its Kings
18 Broadway, Part Two: The Great White Way
19 Crooners and Their Sweet Inspirations
20 New South, New Country
21 Western Swingers
22 Bluegrazz
23 Rhythm and…Rock
24 Rapping Up
25 Last Chorus
Media Sources, List of embedded videos