For mentioning Gaza, a student can be suspended and a professor can lose their career. This is the new McCarthyism, product of a nationwide conspiracy by Congress, donors, trustees, and other miscreants to keep genocide a sacred trust.
If I catch you talkin’ bout Gaza again
I’m gonna clamp you down
Suspend you flat
Because I told you before
Oh, you can’t do that
Well you say you’re being doxxed
I gotta take you to task
If you’re demonstrating
and you wear a mask
I’m gonna clamp you down
Suspend you flat
Because I told you before
Oh, you can’t do that
Everybody’s green, red black white and green
They’re all supporting Falastin
But if they’re seen
We smack down their rights, and put out their lights
If you’re SJP or JVP
You want your first Amendment, gotta go through me
I’m gonna clamp you down
Suspend you flat
Because I told you before
Oh, you can’t do that
If you carry a sign you’ll end up in Court
Your thought crimes will be in your Delaney report
I’m gonna clamp you down
Suspend you flat
Because I told you before
Oh, you can’t do that
No microphone, no posters, 20 people tops
Don’t even think about it or we’ll call the cops
I’m gonna clamp you down
Suspend you flat
Because I told you before
Oh, you can’t do that
Everybody’s green, red black white and green
They’re all supporting Falastin
But if you’re seen
We take down your name
It’s the end of your game
Now don’t get me wrong
we’re all about free speech
But criticizing Israel is out of reach
I’m gonna clamp you down
Suspend you flat
Because I told you before
Oh, you can’t do that
Now I trust you understand
no more protest here
This year’s fashion trend is riot gear
I’m gonna clamp you down
Suspend you flat
Because I told you before
Oh, you can’t do that
Yes we’re gonna zip tie you if you read that poem
We’ll defend the genociders
till the cows come home
I’m gonna clamp you down
Suspend you flat
Because I told you before
Oh, you can’t do that
Everybody’s green, red black white and green
They’re all supporting Falastin
But if they’re seen
I pity the fool
Who’s kicked out of school
The university’s not faculty or students oh please
The important people are the donors
and trustees
I’m gonna clamp you down
Suspend you flat
Because I told you before
Oh, you can’t do that
You got tenure so you’re safe, well that’s a joke
Your tenure expires when you’re woke
I’m gonna clamp you down
Career goes flat
Because I told you before
Oh, you can’t do that
You think you’re helping victims
but I know what’s right
If you don’t like ethnic cleansing
You’re an anti-Semite
I’m gonna clamp you down
Suspend you flat
Because I told you before
Oh, you can’t do that