Truthful Tuesday

Folks in South Carolina are mobilizing to protest the Republican outrages emanating from the state government. At issue are attacks on voting rights, education, Medicaid, etc. etc.

Whoa, where do you go when you want everyone to know
We’ll tell you tomorrow enough is enough

Lady Madonna   Beatles
Hey Nikki Haley, education you shelve
Illegally low funding for K through 12
Funding for college, down 40%
Tuition through the roof, so much for food and rent

Gerrymandering without a true case
Vote suppression creeps in like a nun
But Tuesday’s wild, your party is a disgrace
We are not done

Monday, Monday  Mamas & Papas
Truthful Tuesday, so good to me
Truthful Tuesday it was all I hoped it would be
Though Truthful Tuesday, Truthful Tuesday couldn’t guarantee
That Tuesday evenin’ South Carolina would be free

Every other, every other day
Legislature gets away with crime, yeah
But whenever Tuesday comes, but whenever Tuesday comes
You can find me mopping up all the slime

Blue Monday    Fats Domino
Truthful Tuesday how I love Truthful Tuesday
Get to take back our state all day
Not like Monday, that no fun day
When they’re withholdin’ our Medicaid
On Wednesday, they cut what we need
We say enough is enough, we secede
‘Cause Thursday they raise what students pay
And Friday ALEC gets its way

Saturday mornin’, oh Saturday mornin’
All my health care has gone away
They got my money and my union, honey
And they’re buying’ elections every day

Sunday mornin’ I’m feelin’ bad
This is the worst government I’ve ever had
But I’ve got to get my rest
Cause Truthful Tuesday’s the best

Whoa, where do you go when you want everyone to know
We’ll tell you tomorrow enough is enough

I Don’t Go Into Stores

A post-consumerist fantasy. I never buy anything new – except the canoe cupholder.

Audio Player

I don’t go into stores
I forage at their back doors
People throw out what I can’t live without
So why would I go into stores?
I’m never seen in banks
They offer me services I say no thanks
You’re serving yourself
Masquerading as a friend
I have no friends in banks, so no thanks

I’ve never bought anything new
Though warranty’s handy it’s true
There are nicks and scratches
On everything I own
I’ve destroyed the economy
But I will not atone

I mute all the ads on TV, it’s all leering
They really are something to see, without hearing
To allow them out loud would not be good child-rearing
Besides, I’m religious, you see, ad-fearing

Why would I go into,
I rarely even pass through
I wouldn’t stoop to
They mainly sell dog doo
So unless I need a kazoo
Or a cupholder for my canoe
Otherwise I’ll make do

I don’t go into stores
I forage at their back doors
People throw out what I can’t live without
So why would I go into stores?

I reject all those free credit cards
I scissor them into unuseable shards
I get them quite often
But I will not soften
They’re sent by the Waffen
So scissors it is…are.

No I don’t go through their doors
I don’t walk on their floors
I’d rather stay outdoors
And demonstrate against wars
Well all right, if I need new drawers
But otherwise no.

Why would I go into,
I rarely even pass through
I wouldn’t stoop to
They mainly sell dog doo
So unless I need a kazoo
Or a cupholder for my canoe
Otherwise I’ll make do

I don’t go into stores
I forage at their back doors
People throw out what I can’t live without
So why would I go into stores?

We Won’t Be Bound and Gagged No Mo

Texas’ own Hornet Signs made a truck decal of a hogtied woman. Up in arms we are. Here’s a song/video for the women of Texas.

I got a gal in the back of my truck
She’s all tied up, she’s out of luck
And when I get to it I’m gonna pluck her
Unless she kicks me in the balls

I got a quirk in the back of my mind
I don’t like women, they’re not part of humankind
I’m all for freedom but you gotta draw the line
What if they got the vote

Got up last night and opened my door
Was a thousand women there maybe more
Slashed the tires on my brand new Ford
One stepped forward from the female horde 

Respecting women is your number one job
Said the spokeswoman for the midnight mob
Catch you with another sexist decal
Gonna cram it up your alimentary canal

Hey Ho, there you go, 
We won’t be bound and gagged no mo
Hey Ho, there you go, 
We won’t be bound and gagged no mo

Trayvon, You’re Livin’

As they pile on more justifications for terrorizing young black people, we pile into the streets to say if we don’t get no justice, you don’t get no peace!

If we don’t get no justice, then you don’t get no peace
The whole damn system is guilty

Trayvon, we got to stay on your case
Trayvon , your memory we won’t let them erase
Trayvon, you’re livin in our hearts and minds
Trayvon, we’re fightin for all mankind

George got away with murder in the racist degree
The whites on the jury said let him be
Is that what it means for a country to be free?

Gated community you’re tryin to hide
from racial injustice nurturing your false pride
when you called it freedom you know you lied

The Zimmerman walked free as tears were spilt he
Was liberated from his deed but racist to the hilt
He’s culpable but the whole damn system is guilty

This is our clarion call
C’mon down to the street alla y’all
The right to stalk and kill, the jury found
For rights of young black men we must stand our ground

Trayvon, we got to stay on your case
Trayvon, your memory we won’t let them erase
Trayvon, you’re livin’ in our hearts and minds
Trayvon, we’re fightin for all humankind

50 Ways To Slice the 99

Within the 99%, differences are important. Who goes to college, work, prison; who ends up on the street? Statistics that rhyme!

Mic check!
We are the 99%
Many of us can’t afford our rent
Some have a house and some have a tent
The wealth of the nation has been misspent
Differences among us
we must not
of statistics
are made up
on the spot
Even so:

(50 Ways…)
You know it’s really not my habit to intrude
All right it is, I know statistics can be misconstrued
But I’ll just do the math
About how we’re all being screwed
There must be things it pays to discover
It could take 50 days to uncover

Cuz the capital gains tax
Is lower than mine that’s the facts
The more money you make, Jake
The less FICA you pay

(99 bottles….)
90% at the bottom make one
35th of the top 1%
Take the dough down and pass it around
Oops that’s class war never mind

90% at the bottom owns twenty-
Five percent of all wealth
Top 1% has 40%
And also they have their health

(When I was 17)
When I made 17
hundred times average pay
It was a very good gig
For a top CEO with bonuses bright
I’d hide from the lights and the TV screen
While my salary careened

(50 ways…)
Net worth of a family
for blacks is 20% of whites approximately
Latinos 27, give or take point three
I give you that one free

Net debt of a family
As a percentage of net worth, let’s see
It’s 3 times as high for Blacks you see
And Latinos similarly

In the latest economic torment
white wealth declined 16%
African Americans 53
Latinos 66, whoo-ee

(76 Trombones)
76 percent is what women make
To the 100 that men take home every day
They are followed by Blacks and Latinos at 57 per
cent of whites, that’s quite a rate of pay

1 little, 2 little, 3 little benefits
Taken away as society retrofits
Union membership down to 12%
Pension & health care destroyed

(50 Ways…)
6 people at Walmart own
Same as the bottom 30% who’ve been thrown
Down to where they owe more than they’ve every known
They can’t get themselves free

(When I was 17)
When I was unemployed
It was a very good year
A very good year for blue-blooded crooks
Of extravagant means
They’d ride in limousines
We had nothing to drive
10% barely alive

(76 Trombones)
76% of our college costs
Were once taken care of by our Pell grants
Now it’s fallen to 33 and for folks like you and me
We’ll be living in the basement at our aunt’s

There are whites who go to college and Latinos too
Though not quite as likely, by percent it’s 42
Blacks are found to be 3/5ths
As likely to be studying with
The rest of the upward mobile crew

(1 little…..)
Half of the country’s leading figures have degrees
From the same 13 universities
1 of 12 students there come from the bottom half
So much for upward mobility
and rhymes

Blacks and Latinos are 65%
Of those in prison while 13.2%
Of black men can’t vote because of this predicament
And guess who gets stopped and frisked

Warren Buffet pays 17%
His secretary can maybe pay the rent
Top 1% saved $150,000 in the
Unkindest tax cuts of all

(Somewhere, My Love):
25% of blacks live in poverty
Women and kids stuck there especially
Trillion dollar wars, paid for by me and you
20% of the budget before we’re through
Who fights? Lots from the middle of the bottom
And a bit lower for those who get killed or maimed

(1 little,….)
13% of the homeless are veterans
42% are African American
1 out of 4 are mentally ill in the
Richest country on earth

Mic check!
This is the hour of our discontent
Society we’re gonna re-invent
We occupy to represent
To inequality we won’t consent
Revolution is a permanent event
The top 1/10th of 1 percent
Is 100%

The Interdigitale

Does new tech bring us together for truth and justice? Or for trivia?

Arise ye prisoners of linkedin
Arise ye bloggers of the earth
For tweeting thunders thru the nation
a better web’s in birth
No more the printed page shall bind us
Arise ye slaves of the telephone call
The net shall rise on new foundations
My mug shot on my facebook wall

Tis the viral conflict
Let each stand on YouTube
The international blogging class
Shall replace the boob tube

Tis the viral conflict
Let us rise from MySpace
The international twittersphere
Shall be the human race

Electoral Dysfunction

Addressing the angst of voting in a one and a half party system.

(O Say) Oh say can you spot
Why I might be distraught
An election so bought
Democratic? You’re dreaming
(Taps) Day is done, Vote for one
Of the parties of Wall Street, what fun!

It’s the guy nobody likes versus the guy who likes drone strikes
Oh how I hate to get up and go voting
Oh how I’d love to remain in bed

Now it’s true one has a wife who drives a couple of Cadillacs
While the spouse of the other wants to prevent our heart attacks

Now it’s true that social change comes from the bottom not the top
Once the money’s hurled, the flag unfurled, we may as well go shop
Two-party dance? Not a chance
One will rob you with a smile the other with a fountain pen it
never stops, speaking of flops can we abolish the Senate?

And whoever lives in the White House
Is mainly cause for me to grouse
In general to emigrate I’m willin’
Although I was glad when he gave the national medal to Dylan

I’m sure my niece could make peace in the middle east
And none of these bozos will
Some are spineless and witless
The rest scare me shitless
I’ve had my fill – my Uncle Bill said hey
Don’t throw your vote away
OK I’ll keep it here on the window sill

Mic check, I’m such a wreck
Sick and tired of it turning out just the way I sensed it would
There’s nobody to vote for, but plenty to vote against, I could be
Convinced we been Port-au-Prince’d

There is a system called preferential voting
Where you rank the candidates in order of your doting
And when your favorite loses you may get the second one you’ve chosen
But for me, it’s the reverse
I rank ‘em by degree that I’m opposin’ them

(As you can tell by now, there’s no practical advice here, just really well-researched bitching.)

Truth be told, I don’t like ‘em cause they’re corporate
I’ll be bold: I don’t like ‘em cause they’re tall
If you must know, I don’t like politicians
What’s the word I’m lookin’ for, oh yeah: at all!

OMG this whole thing is so disgusting
Are these the guys our kids are meant to be trusting?
Please believe me, I never meant to set it up this way son
It’s been like this since way before Ronnie Ray-gun

(folksong army)
Remember the campaign of Eugene Debs
That’s the kind where we all could be found
They may have won the election
But we had the moral high ground

It’s a question with no answer
Body politic has cancer
When the doctor says we’ll try two-party chemo
What am I supposed to say, “Oh primo!”?

But as the NDDA has made clear
If I were President, I could make you all disappear

(My Way)
You know this system stinks, it’s past its sell-by date
Even so methinks I should decide which one to mainly hate
Shall I hold my nose and vote or trade with Fred in North Dakota
Or write in Bernie Sanders then say that’s all she wrote-a
(& Jill Stein)

(It Don’t Mean a Thing)
It don’t mean a thing if you ain’t got them swing states like Florida
That’s where we decide which candidate to hide from
Cause he’s the one that’s horrider
There’s oh so much at stake, but I’m a vegetarian
If these two are my suitors, I’m not marryin’

(I’m getting’ married in the morning)
I’ve got electoral dysfunction
Ding dongs, how can I vote for them
Look at these choices
We’ve lost our voices
Got the constitution wrong that time

Any time our future is decided
By a guy who bought that many ads
Please give me your attention
I’ll bet you my pension
We – are – screwed.

Between the one who sold us out
And the one who’s more devout
I’ll take – a – Quaalude.

(Morning is Broken)
System is broken, vote of no confidence
Money has spoken, it’s people too

They get votes with the money
Super PAC’s their Easter bunny
Do it all for the money
Guess that’s why they’re so far right

(Battle Hymn)
Both get money from insurance, banks, law firms and agribiz
HMOs hedgefunds, securities, that’s really who they is
I’ve got sticker shock, I think I won’t be buying
Their mouths are moving, they’re lying

(If In Only Had A Heart)
When Obama gave the telecoms
Immunity for bugging moms
He really crossed a bridge
Mr. Bain would let them bug your mattress,
toaster, wallet, coffee cup, kitchen sink and fridge
You know, Big O said he’d get out of Gitmo
But Mitt would put his Mitts on every – oh wait Barry did that already, SO

If you like a world where torturers go free – gee thanks
Where Raytheon runs the Pentagon and Summers bails the banks
Where Mad Money Men win Tonys for their plays
They’re so acquisitive
Financiers have no new idears, they’re highly derivative
You don’t even have to choose
In this election, you can’t lose!
I would surely rather that I wasn’t in this position
But two words before you hand it off to Voldemort
Su – preme – court

If God Had Wanted There To Be Other Countries

Wild Bill Bailout has an offer you can’t understand: permanent war, everyone against everyone. Offer never expires.

Oh baby have I got a gift for you
You can’t imagine what I’m offering to put you through
No it’s not a war with Finland
Or as expected those ingrates in Greenland
This one will be immeasurably more fun
A war with pretty much almost everyone
Well I may not find a budget for your schools
But I can well afford to manufacture guns for you precious fools
We’ve got no funds for fridges, much less bridges
nor innoculations
But there’s a fire sale on bombing non-us nations

You know if God had wanted there to be other countries….
As I was saying, we’re not slaying just to prove we’re the greatest
Which we are of course, I’ve no remorse in praying for America
It’s so lonely at the top
Some day there’ll be a braver crop of suckers
But for now you’re the luckiest pluckers
You get to be my heavily armed  runnin-amokers
Good luck, and good night, all right!
C’mon alla you real men straight, or gay
Even the ladies can join the fray
Too many is not enough in my thrillers
How about a brigade of powder puff killers
Still we might run out of troops so there’s a plan for breeding
We’ll convert your amorosity to navy seal seeding
We’re gonna cut contraception – tiny holes of course
Convert your Trojans to a trojan horse
While you’re forced into foreclosure and dying of exposure
Unemployed and your savings expired
You can take consolation in the saving of the nation
By the weaponization of national pride
Don’t fret don’t worry
And for sure don’t think
On the double in a hurry
Here we go into the drink
Only question is, which drink? Lemme think,
Let’s see:
We won’t be rushin in to Russia
Though we’ll take it to the brink you know
But a war with Red China would solve our red ink flow
Though it’s true I never made a
Greater glory than Grenada
Take heart,  roll up your sleeves
With our shoulders to the tar sands
We can still sink the Maldives
In a pinch we could always attack the Swiss
With all those skiers how could even a dumb drone miss
They say they’re neutral but they speak 3 enemy tongues
So I’m gonna shout it out at the top of your lungs:
It’s not the titanic, it’s the Lusitania
No need to panic, just bomb Albania
My megalomania will steer us right
As long as you’ll vote for candidate that brings the most fright
You know if God had wanted there to be other countries….
There’s France, let’s take a chance, or we could bomb the Sudanistas
We’ll get into a war in starts and fits
I’ll stir your hearts if not your wits

We’ll go wittily into Italy
After all they’re a fairly failed state
I know it’s second rate, and it’s been done, lord knows, mama mia
But it’s our only chance to prevent a Mediterranean North Korea