Lee Goland, r.i.p., wrote the original, Teenage Immigrant Welfare Mothers on Drugs, in the 1980s. I sang it all these years and finally sprang for an update. Live at Café Paloma, Seattle, May 2019.
All of my neighbors had my kind of hair and eyelids
(in the 50s. 1850s.)
Back then José picked the fruit and the bankers were all yids
How did the greatest country in history end up on the skids?
Teenage Mexican Middle East Mothers on Drugs
It’s all their fault,
they’ve got some balls,
They’re big and strong
Let’s build that wall
Windmills are ugly, clean coal is the name of the game
We don’t win wars anymore it’s a crime and a shame
Robots took my job and there’s no retraining – the Chinese are to blame
Lots of new jobs but they’re all at McDonalds, how lame
I’m so sick of these East coast elite Soros snobs
And those teens against guns in their damn crisis actor mobs
Where’s all the Chevies, I’m sick of these Volvos and Saabs
And Self-driving cars come over here and take our Pakistani cabbie jobs
Who’s to blame for fake news making fun of everything the Donald says
Who’s to blame for Spanish on ballots, black people voting and we had a black Muslim Prez
Who’s to blame for America not being great and not invading Iran
Who’s to blame for gay people on TV and my daughter being trans